One shower a week


Author(s): Mariet Dingemans
Language: Dutch and English
Pages: 216
Size: 203 x 271 mm
Edition: hardcover, Swiss bound
ISBN: 9789462265134
Year: 2024
Photography: Mariet Dingemans
Publisher: Lecturis
Design: Syb

For three and a half years documentary photographer and cultural anthropologist Mariet Dingemans photographed the residents of intentional community De Brouwketel in Angeren (The Netherlands). Nine adults, five children, six sheep, lots of chickens and a dog.
The ‘Brouwketelaars’ try to live a self-sufficient and sustainable life. They grow their own fruit and vegetables, make yoghurt themselves and bake their own bread. They consume as little water, electricity and plastic possible, while heating their house with firewood from their land.
Every two months Dingemans visited De Brouwketel and stayed for a few days. Her stays with the community opened up a new world to her. The Brouwketelaars’ sustainable and ‘slow’ way of living, their relaxed attitude towards hygiene and unconcernedness with outward appearances, touched the photographer. And made her look at her own life differently.

The book contains 101 photographs, supplemented by diary excerpts.

11 May 2022
I’m always worried I use too much loo paper. Or too much washing-up liquid and new washing-up water. I’ve taken off my sunglasses so I’m not the only one wearing them. I still put on sunscreen.

“Whilst photographing, Dingemans is searching for her own position on the subject and takes us with her on this journey. Her viewpoint is close-up and loving, however not without irony”. Jury report Zilveren Camera Paul Peters Fotoprijs 

Winner of EI Photobook Award 2023
Shortlisted Dummy Award ’23
Second prize Paul Peters Fotoprijs  (Zilveren Camera). Published in, among others, de Volkskrant.

Shortlist photo-text book award Les recontres d’Arles.


Additional information

Weight 1500 g