Publisher of books on art, design, photography and lifestyle

Fashion from A to Z

Original price was: €19,95.Current price is: €10,00.


Mode van A tot Z, the English version.

Author(s): Georgette Koning en Piet Paris
Language: English
Pages: 56
Size: 210 x 270 mm
Edition: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-90-70108-83-0
Year: 2013
Publisher: Lecturis
Design: Piet Paris & Scherpontwerp


Fashion is a language. So it’s high time for a fashion dictionary. Fashion journalist Georgette Koning and fashion illustrator Piet Paris guide you from A to Z through the world of fashion. A comprehensive and humorous view on everything from A to Z in this fashion alphabet.

Fashion from A to Z describes concepts such as houte couture, glamour and vintage, but also explains why the white that is fashionable now is a different white than that of the sixties.

The E for Elegance refers gracefully to the work of fashion illustrator Gruau who worked for Christian Dior for many years. The Y with the famous graphic Mondrian dress is a tribute to Yves Saint Laurent in both word and image.

Georgette Koning writes about fashion in numerous newspapers and fashion magazines. Koning has collaborated on various fashion books and contributes to one of the world’s most viewed fashion blogs,

Piet Paris illustrates with his clear lines for both Dutch and international fashion magazines and for advertising campaigns. Piet Paris has won various prizes, including the Grand Seigneur (2008).

Additional information

Weight 490 g