In de lengte

3000 km solo door de Noorse bergen


Myra de Rooy travels solo through the mountains from the southernmost tip of Norway, Lindesnes lighthouse, to the northernmost point, the North Cape – a journey of 3,000 kilometers. A personal story about the power and beauty of the mountains.

Appeared on: December 16th 2020
Language: Dutch
Pages: 400
Size: 165 x 240 mm
Edition: Hardcover
ISBN: 9789462263888
Year: 2020
Photography: Myra de Rooy
Publisher: DATO
Design: Lecturis

Sometimes a trip chooses you, even more so than you choose it. Even for experienced long-distance hikers, “Norway in length” is a physical challenge, an impressive and lonely journey through Europe’s last great wilderness. Myra de Rooy travels solo through the mountains from the most southern tip of Norway, Lindesnes lighthouse, to the most northern point, the North Cape – a journey of 3,000 kilometers. During her journey she experiences all seasons – from northern lights to midnight sun. In winter with sleds and skis, camping at minus 34 degrees, stuck for days in remote mountain huts during a flying storm, not seeing a person for weeks. During summer she backpacks through breathtaking mountain regions, past glaciers, roaring rivers and quiet lakes, she climbs sacred mountains, but also dips through arctic tundra swamps with reindeer and dancing mosquitoes for company. Sometimes it’s tough and dangerous, but it’s mainly enjoying a wide and rugged mountain landscape.

It is an inner journey, because when travelling alone, you will mainly be confronted with yourself. In addition, it is the inspiring encounters along the way that add extra depth to this hiking journey. Such as artists, environmentalists and mining activists, who all have a relationship with nature in their own way. She speaks with a lot of Sami (Lappen is a swear word), such as the singer Mari Boine, and hears special life stories about the discrimination and threats of this indigenous people. Above all, In Length is a personal story about the power and beauty of the mountains.

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