De taal van de dooiwind


A survey of seven years of work: drawings, paintings and three-dimensional works.

Author(s): Marjolijn van den Assem, Daan van Speybroeck, Martine Prange
Language: Dutch, German, English
Pages: 240
Size: 245 x 340 mm
Edition: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-94-9118-222-8
Edition: First impression
Year: 2014
Photography: Fred Sonnega
Publisher: Timmer Art Books
Design: Hans Timmer

Since 1979 Marjolijn van den Assem examines the work of Friedrich Nietzsche and she transforms her findings into drawings, paintings and three-dimensional works. She writes about ‘De taal van de dooiwind’ (The language of the thaw wind): a Nietzsche quote was the starting point of the thoughts I followed.

Additional information

Weight 2496 g